Thematic fact sheets on children deprived of parental care
The ISS/IRC proposes a training/information series of fact sheets on the provision of care for children deprived of family or at risk of so being, those in need of adoption or who have already been adopted.
The series is based, amongst others, on the Practical manual: The best interests of the child and adoption – Implementation of international conventions relating to child protection. This manual was produced thanks to an international cooperation project between the Italian Intercountry Adoption Commission and the governments of Albania, Bulgaria, Peru and Bolivia. The Italian Branch of the International Social Service and the ISS/IRC also contributed to its production, as well as various experts: Claudia Cabral, Carmela Cavallo, Anne Marie Crine, Anna Maria Fedele, Yolanda Galli, Helen Humphrey, Helen Jones, Isabelle Lammerant, Anna Maria Libri, Tomás Merín, Alessandra Moro, Silvia Nabinger, Maurizio Orlandi, Chantal Saclier, Anna Sanchez, Maria Scudellari, Francesco Viero and Robert Vitillo. It contains tables and texts previously drafted by Anne Marie Crine, Yolanda Galli, Silvia Nabinger, Chantal Saclier and Robert Vitillo (for the ISS/IRC), Alessandra Moro (for the ULSS16 adoption team – Padova), Helen Humphrey and Helen Jones (for the Department of Health in Great Britain). ISS acknowledges their intellectual property for part of this manual and the fact sheets, and thank them for their kind collaboration.